I value teachers who incorporate and take into consideration the uniqueness
of each student. Because students come from a variety of backgrounds, each student is very different. I value a teacher that
takes this into account and plans on incorporating and taking into consideration this factor throughout their instruction. By incorporating differentiated instruction, using a multi-sensory approach and by
teaching to how the children learn best are all the components that I value in educational practices.
In order to provide students with the best, well-rounded education possible,
teachers must plan ahead and take all the multiple facets of the individual students into consideration when planning and
executing a lesson to the students. The same amount of consideration should go
into the delivery of a lesson as well.
I feel that my beliefs in being a supervisor are more along the lines of existentialism rather than essentialism or
experimentalism. Although I do feel that as a supervisor you are to work with
your staff to research old methods and try out new ones, it is also important as supervisors to empower your staff to identify
what they are doing in their classrooms that allows their students to learn best. Giving
the teachers the tools to self explore and investigate their experiences in their classroom to build the teachers’ confidence
and to look to the supervisor for advice and suggestions when needed. Through this philosophy, trust is built between the
teachers and supervisor and from that trust a healthy working relationship will flourish and the students will ultimately
benefit from this.