****** ***** Public Schools
Classroom Observation
School: Grade/Subject/Dept:
Non Tenure:
Name of Evaluator:
Observation Topic/Objective:
Observation Date:
Conference Date:
Performance Definitions
Successful-Performance area is commendable, sets an example, and is worthy of modeling.
shows competency
Improvement-Performance areas could benefit from additional effort.
I. Instructional Planning and Preparation:
Evidence of planning and preparation
begins with Lesson Plans that are developed, maintained, submitted on a regular basis and used anecdotally. Good planning addresses course objectives and have an instructional objective for each specific lesson. Evidence of good planning includes the selection of an appropriate course of action
to achieve the objective at hand including the utilization of supplemental resources.
Planning and Preparation () Highly Successful ( ) Successful ( ) Needs to Improve
Classroom Environment and climate:
Classrooms that maintain displays
and/or bulletin boards that are attractive, current and contain student work and promote learning. Our goal should be to provide a safe and organized environment in which students learn, positively interact
and exhibit appropriate work habits. Evidence of a successful environment would
be on in which students active participants in their learning and are comfortable are expressing their views while demonstrating
respect for the opinions of others.
Climate and Environment ( ) Highly Successful () Successful (
) Needs to Improve
Class Management and Control:
The ability to regulate the pace of instruction
and use class time effectively to promote students attention and focus is the key to a strong lesson. When routines are established and followed by students and when directions are presented in a clear and
appropriate manner little time is wasted. During the course of a lesson the ability to tactfully address student behaviors
to promote self-management and learning would be evidence of sound management and control.
Management and Control ( ) Highly Successful ( ) Successful
( ) Needs to Improve
Instructional Strategies:
The most important aspects of any
lesson is our ability to generate strategies to sustain the interest and involvement of our students. The introduction of an anticipatory set to simulate student interest; the ability to vary questioning techniques
to maximize student involvement; and the creation of opportunities for students to thing critically or integrate prior know
learning with current content to help assimilate information through retention and transfer are but a few examples.
The strategies we employ determine
how we begin a lesson and whether or not the students clearly understand the objective.
During the lesson our strategies dictate how we will vary out instructional techniques or how we should adjust our
plans based on the changing needs and conditional of out students. Our strategies
guide our efforts to provide closure and summation to our lesson and direct, when appropriate, or efforts to assign, check
and utilize appropriate homework.
Instructional Strategies ( ) Highly Successful ( ) Successful ( ) Needs to Improve
Knowledge of Subject:
Command of the subject matter is
vital to good instruction and should reflect an awareness of the latest information appropriate to the subject area. Evidence of a strong knowledge base includes the use of resources beyond the textbook
and the ability to respond skillfully, accurately and appropriately to student questions.
Knowledge of Subject ( ) Highly Successful ( ) Successful ( ) Needs to Improve
Teacher/Student Interaction:
The learning process is interactive and
out ability to provide feedback that is appropriate to student inquiries and/or responses is critical to the overall success
of any lesson. During the course of a lesson the ability to demonstrate consistency
and fairness, as well as the use of praise, encouragement and other reinforcement techniques would be evidence of positive
teacher/student interactions.
Teacher/Student Interaction ( ) Highly Successful ( ) Successful ( )
Needs to Improve
_________________________________ ________________________________
Signature of Evaluator Date
Signature of Staff Member Date
Signatures are required under New
Jersey Administrative Code 6:3-1-1.19 and 6:3-1.21. The signing of this performance
Observation does not denote that the Staff member is in agreement with it. The
staff member may add comments and or other performance data to this report if done within fifteen working days of signing
the Performance Observation.
Signature of Staff Member Date